
all effects中文是什么意思

  • 所有故障影响



  • 例句与用法
  • All effects are dependent on their causes
  • Because of this error , all effects of the statement are rolled back
  • Hide all effects
  • The commissioned entrant should provide and install all effect lighting , if necessary , within the proposed sculpture
  • The commissioned entrant should provide and install all effect lighting , if necessary , within the proposed sculpture
  • Contact with a web of shadows causes all beings ( except the caster , who ignores all effects of his own web ) to be slowed while in the web , and for the rest of any round in which they leave it
  • Hiding essence of life is the main physiology function of kidney , the essence in kidney is angry , be airframe life activity this , to airframe the physiology activity of each respect all is having all in all effect ; kidney advocate water fluid , basically be the aerification function that the essence in pointing to kidney enrages , to the body fluid inside body be defeated cloth and excrete , maintain the balance that the body fluid inside body metabolizes , the adjustment with rising very important action ; kidney advocate bone gives birth to pith , it is spirit of the energy in kidney has stimulative airframe to grow actually a of growth function main component , the rise and fall that the essence in kidney enrages , affect the growth of bone and growth not only , and the plentiful that also affects spinal cord and encephalon and development ; " tine is bone " , tine and bone give one cause together , the tooth also is filled by institute of gas of the energy in kidney raise , spirit of the energy in kidney is abundant , fall off the tooth is solid and not easily , if kidney is medium air of essence of life is inadequate , criterion the tooth becomes loose easily , inchoate even fall off ; kidney have one ' s ideas straightened out at 2 shade ( external genital organs and anal ) , accordingly , frequent micturition , enuresis , urinary incontinence , make water little or anuria , all the aerification function with kidney is wrong about
    藏精是肾的主要生理功能,肾中精气,是机体生命活动之本,对机体各方面的生理活动均起着极其重要的作用;肾主水液,主要是指肾中精气的气化功能,对于体内津液的输布和排泄,维持体内津液代谢的平衡,起着极为重要的调节作用;肾主骨生髓,实际上是肾中精气具有促进机体生长发育功能的一个重要组成部分,肾中精气的盛衰,不仅影响骨的生长和发育,而且也影响脊髓和脑髓的充盈和发育; “齿为骨之余” ,齿与骨同出一源,牙齿也由肾中精气所充养,肾中精气充沛,则牙齿坚固而不易脱落,若肾中精气不足,则牙齿易于松动,甚至早期脱落;肾开窍于二阴(外生殖器和肛门) ,因此,尿频、遗尿、尿失禁、尿少或尿闭,均与肾的气化功能失常有关。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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